Client testimonials

We are very proud to receive wonderful feedback which inspires us and keeps us totally committed to providing quality products and outstanding service.

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10 / 10

Chair re-upholstered

Bril­liant end result. There was a long wait­ing list, but once the chair was col­lect­ed it only took a week. Very polite on the phone and in per­son. I found the assis­tance in pick­ing a new fab­ric very use­ful and also nice deliv­ery peo­ple. It’s expen­sive but the craft­man­ship is superb and the chair has sen­ti­men­tal val­ue to me so cer­tain­ly worth it.

Customer from Abingdon Feb 2021
10 / 10

2 old Dutch armchairs reupholstered

Extreme­ly pleased with the work­man­ship and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. They made the whole process real­ly easy , espe­cial­ly as there are so many dif­fer­ent fab­rics to choose from. Two, very dat­ed, old wood­en Dutch arm­chairs have been made beau­ti­ful and com­fort­able . Thank you.

Customer from Oxford Nov 2020
10 / 10

The staff supported and worked with us over a period of time and the communication has been excellent.

The work was car­ried out over a peri­od of 8 months which was par­tial­ly due to the Coro­n­avirus. We had mod­ern and antique pieces of fur­ni­ture restored and re-uphol­stered. The process from begin­ning to end has been amaz­ing. The staff sup­port­ed and worked with us over a peri­od of time and the com­mu­ni­ca­tion has been excel­lent. We built up a good work­ing rela­tion­ship dur­ing this process. Every­one is so enthu­si­as­tic about the work they pro­duce and to see the trans­for­ma­tion is bril­liant. A big thank to you every­one involved and a big thank you to Fiona who has been a star.

Customer from Wantage Nov 2020
10 / 10

Two old sofas completely reupholstered and recovered..

Very friend­ly, pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice from vis­it to show­room to choose from a vast array of fab­rics to deliv­ery of fin­ished sofas. Qual­i­ty job leav­ing sofas bet­ter than new!

Customer from Abingdon Nov 2020
10 / 10

Recovered unique 1970's vintage French sofa

Real­ly chal­leng­ing job giv­en unique con­struc­tion of this 1970’s mod­ernist sofa. But AsNew did­n’t charge us a pre­mi­um for this and then went the extra mile to match the unusu­al but­tons even though these took some extra time to find and obtain. Beau­ti­ful result and AsNew were a delight to do busi­ness with. Very pleased and vis­it­ing them again tomor­row to pick a fab­ric for an antique chair we are reuphol­ster­ing with them in January.

Customer from Oxford Dec 2020
10 / 10

1 two seater sofa and 2 chairs Restoration

To start with Gary gave us a tour of the work­shop show­ing the fin­ished and semi­fin­ished works. Then showed a vast range of fab­rics to choose from. Sofa was col­lect­ed as arranged. Gar­ry and Lawrance kept us updat­ed with the progress of the work at var­i­ous stages. We had a chancee to see the semi­fin­ished restora­tion and choose the exact firmness/​softness of foam for the seat that we liked. The fur­ni­ture was deliv­ered on the day as promised. An excel­lent job. Very pleased with the full restora­tion work

Customer from Abingdon Dec 2020
9.5 / 10

1 two sitter sofas 1 three sitter sofas and 1 Wing Chair . Restored and recovered

We our very pleased with the fin­ish result. The work­man­ship is bril­liant. All cus­tomer care has been a 100% from com­ing out to give us a quote, call­ing us too come up to pick what firm­ness cush­ions we want­ed. Every one We meet in the team were very friend­ly and answered any ques­tions we asked. I would rec­om­mend Asnew to my friends.

Customer from Abingdon Dec 2020
10 / 10

Reupholstery of very decrepit but beautiful original art deco chair

Absolute­ly stun­ning job. Could not be hap­pi­er. Chair restored to its for­mer glo­ry and is a thing of beau­ty. AsNew could not have been more help­ful, and all went smooth­ly even in the mid­dle of a pan­dem­ic. High­ly rec­om­mend them.

Customer from Abingdon Jan 2021
10 / 10

Re-upholster a 1960s sofa

Asnew have done a per­fect job on bring­ing this old sofa back for anoth­er gen­er­a­tion. From choos­ing the fab­ric and all com­mu­ni­ca­tions to col­lec­tion and deliv­ery they have been pro­fes­sion­al and pleas­ant to deal with. And now I have a fab­u­lous new’ sofa, that was well worth the cost. Thank you Asnew — per­haps see you again!

Customer from Oxford Jan 2021
10 / 10

Recovering a sofa

I have used Asnew for many years for re uphol­ster­ing. The qual­i­ty of their work is excel­lent, and this lat­est ser­vice was no excep­tion. Apart from the work itself, they are a plea­sure to deal with, always prompt with col­lec­tion and return of fur­ni­ture, and friend­ly and help­ful on the telephone.

Customer from Oxford Jan 2021
10 / 10

Recovered Chaise

Absolute­ly fan­tas­tic, I would thor­ough­ly rec­om­mend this com­pa­ny. Love­ly work­force who give expert advice, kept me informed and did a fan­tastc job. I am very pleased with the work caried out and in a great timescale.

Customer from Wallingford Feb 2021
10 / 10

Upholstered an antique chaiselongue

I inher­it­ed the chaise­longue from my moth­er who unfor­tu­nate­ly made a few non authen­tic changes. Asnew called a few times to explain what was done to the item pre­vi­ous­ly and to check how I want­ed it restored. I want­ed it back to the orig­i­nal style and am real­ly pleased with the result. Great ser­vice all round from first enquiries to exe­cu­tion. I can high­ly rec­om­mend them!

Customer from Oxford Feb 2021
10 / 10

the chairs have come back looking like they really do live up to their name!

2 old park­er knoll arm­chairs recovered

Real­ly impressed with the qual­i­ty of the work­man­ship — the chairs have come back look­ing like new…so they real­ly do live up to their name!

Customer from Wallingford Nov 2020
10 / 10

Recover dinning chairs and 2 stools

Very hap­py with all aspects of the ser­vice we received. Very cour­te­ous and friend­ly staff. Delight­ed with my new­ly cov­ered chairs

Customer from Didcot Feb 2021
10 / 10

Repairs to leather armchair

Very help­ful and friend­ly ser­vice, repair car­ried out prompt­ly on time, thor­ough repair, prob­lem com­plete­ly solved.

Customer from Abingdon Mar 2021
9 / 10

Re-upholster and re-cover small drop end sofa

Bril­liant sup­ply of fab­rics to choose from and advice on colour to com­ple­ment the room colour­ing. Qual­i­ty of work is excel­lent and the sofa has been brought back to life.

Customer from Oxfordshire Mar 2021
10 / 10

Dining chairs were re-upholstered

Bril­liant job from start to fin­ish. Have no hes­i­ta­tion in using Asnew

Customer from Oxfordshire Mar 2021
9 / 10

Re-upholster and re-cover small drop end sofa

Bril­liant sup­ply of fab­rics to choose from and advice on colour to com­ple­ment the room colour­ing. Qual­i­ty of work is excel­lent and the sofa has been brought back to life.

Customer from Oxfordshire Apr 2021
10 / 10

Repair sagging seats on a leather settee. Recover and re-upholster a small 'nursing chair'

Both these jobs were done entire­ly sat­is­fac­to­ri­ly and very quick­ly at the quot­ed prices. I could not be more satisfied

Customer from Oxfordshire Mar 2021
10 / 10

Upholstered an antique chaiselongue

I inher­it­ed the chaise from my moth­er who unfor­tu­nate­ly made a few non authen­tic changes. Asnew called a few times to explain what was done to the item pre­vi­ous­ly and to check how I want­ed it restored. I want­ed it back to the orig­i­nal style and am real­ly pleased with the result. Great ser­vice all round from first enquiries to exe­cu­tion. I can high­ly rec­om­mend them!

Customer from Oxford Mar 2021
10 / 10

Recover reclining chair

A bril­liant piece of re uphol­stery done in a pro­fes­sion­al manor dur­ing COVID lock down.

Customer from Oxford Apr 2021
10 / 10

Recover reclining chair in my own fabric

A bril­liant piece of re uphol­stery done in a pro­fes­sion­al manor dur­ing COVID lock down.

Customer from Abingdon Apr 2021
10 / 10


Excel­lent ser­vice from all, despite lock­down com­pli­ca­tions . Work com­plet­ed to a very high stan­dard and we are delight­ed. Would high­ly rec­om­mend this Company.

Customer from Oxford Apr 2021
10 / 10

Thanks to cornovariurs it took a while to get this work done but the wait was well worth it.

Reuphol­stery of two well used vin­tage chairs: Thanks to cornovar­i­urs it took a while to get this work done but the wait was well worth it. My two well loved, very worn and scruffy chairs have been trans­formed into beau­ti­ful pieces of fur­ni­ture. The cus­tomer ser­vice was excel­lent through­out — from the choice of fab­rics, to advice on the best mate­ri­als and colours through to com­mu­ni­ca­tion about col­lec­tion and return times. The crafts­man­ship is excel­lent — a tricky pat­tern match has been done on one of the chairs while the oth­er has been but­toned per­fect­ly. I’m very pleased and rec­om­mend with­out hesitation.
Customer from Wallingford Sep 2020
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