Creative Nursing Chair Duo

Morris&Co Arti­choke Embroi­dery & Pink Velvet

Swipe to see this trans­for­ma­tion. We took the but­toned seat out and replaced it with a flat seat and new springs. The out­side back is cov­ered in the beau­ti­ful Morris&Co Arti­choke Embroi­dery which was inspired by Mor­ris own design Arti­choke from 1877

Our cus­tomer fell in love with the fab­ric, but it wouldn’t be suit­able to use for the inside seat due to its delec­tate nature. To com­pro­mise we helped our cus­tomer pick a com­ple­men­tary pink vel­vet which worked well with the but­ton­ing detail. Hav­ing con­trast­ing fab­rics like this is a great com­pro­mise if you fall in love with an expen­sive fab­ric but can’t jus­ti­fy cov­er­ing your full piece of furniture. 

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