Loose cover to a fixed cover

Wemyss, Bal­lantrae

Orig­i­nal­ly a loose cov­er this fixed back sofa has been stripped down and re-cov­ered as a fixed cov­er. Some cus­tomers nev­er take their loose cov­ers off for wash­ing which means a fixed cov­er could be the bet­ter option espe­cial­ly when using a heav­ier weight fab­ric. The sofa has been cov­ered in Bal­lantree, which is a tex­tured semi plain che­nille with a slub yarn com­posed of 53% cot­ton and 47% vis­cose, giv­ing the fab­ric a glo­ri­ous tex­ture with a nat­ur­al sheen. The Mar­tin­dale rub is 100,000 mak­ing it suit­able for a wide range of appli­ca­tions includ­ing com­mer­cial uphol­stery. It also comes in over 40 styl­ish colours. 

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