Nursing Chair, fully reupholstered

Blend­worth Rod­bourn Par­adise Blue

This lit­tle nurs­ing chair has been com­plete­ly re uphol­stered. All of the wood­en joints have been tight­ened and a new spring unit fit­ted to make it a usable chair once again. As you can see our cus­tomer loves colour! The inside back and seat have been cov­ered in Blend­worth Rod­bourn Par­adise Blue which is com­posed of a nat­ur­al blend of cot­ton and vis­cose cre­at­ing the most beau­ti­ful, print­ed vel­vet fabric. 

This is com­ple­ment­ed by the use of War­wick Plush Red vel­vet which has been uphol­stered onto the out­side back. The red picks out colours in the Rod­bourn fab­ric cre­at­ing a beau­ti­ful harmony. 

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