Re-covered Three-piece suite

Mul­ti­check, Spring By Abra­ham Moon & Son

We trans­formed this three-piece suite using two dif­fer­ent fab­rics. Our won­der­ful cus­tomer want­ed a colour­ful yet taste­ful colour pal­lete to match a state­ment pair of curtains. 

The Mul­ti­check, Spring’ is by Moon fab­rics and is made up of 100% Pure New Wool. Wool can be a very durable fab­ric mak­ing it ide­al for uphol­stery. The lines of the check have been aligned per­fect­ly leav­ing a crisp fin­ish. The tex­tured plain that has been used on the sofa and sec­ond arm­chair com­ple­ments the suite bring­ing it togeth­er beautifully.

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