Reupholstered Small Chair Duo

Alder Hill­side – Blendworth

These pic­tures cap­ture some of the uphol­stery process. These small chairs are slight­ly dif­fer­ent but sit beau­ti­ful­ly togeth­er. Our skilled uphol­ster Sean is hand stitch­ing the side pan­el to this chair with a spe­cial curved uphol­stery nee­dle, some­times slip stitch­ing is the only way to reach the dif­fi­cult cor­ners and achieve the best fin­ish. Each piece of fur­ni­ture we re-uphol­ster is dif­fer­ent which means we are con­stant­ly eval­u­at­ing the most suit­able option to achieve the high­est qual­i­ty results. 

The chairs are cov­ered in a Blend­worth fab­ric called Alder Hill­side, the pat­tern lends itself well to fixed back fur­ni­ture as the trees look to grow organ­i­cal­ly. The com­po­si­tion is 56% Cot­ton and 44% Vis­cose which gives it a very nat­ur­al feel. 

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