Reupholstered Wooden Framed Sofa

Fab­ric: Mor­ris & Co, Fruit’

A recent reuphol­stery and adap­ta­tion project we did for a love­ly client. The wood­en framed sofa was beau­ti­ful in style but not com­fort­able, we adapt­ed the frame and cush­ions work­ing close­ly with the client to ensure max­i­mum com­fort tai­lored to them and their needs. Cov­ered in Fruit’ by Mor­ris & Co, this time­less design is one William Mor­riss’ ear­li­est prints, first pro­duced in 1864. The tapes­try weave con­struc­tion gives the fab­ric incred­i­ble strength mak­ing it ide­al for upholstery.

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