Wave Curtains & Silent Gliss Metropoles

O&L, Matthew Williamson, Yamu­na Fabric

Our cus­tomer want­ed to fresh­en up her liv­ing room by replac­ing the tra­di­tion­al cur­tains and poles. 

We start­ed off by remov­ing the exist­ing poles and fit­ted three Silent Gliss metrop­o­les which instant­ly mod­ernised the room. Metrop­o­les are cur­tain poles that func­tion like tracks, glid­ers con­tained inside the pro­file car­ry the cur­tains. No need for rings or pass­ing brack­ets, cur­tains trav­el the length of the track unhin­dered mak­ing the open­ing and clos­ing seam­less and smooth. 

Our cus­tomer loves colour and chose a stun­ning fab­ric called Yamu­na by Matthew Williamson, the design is a fine­ly embroi­dered exot­ic pais­ley depict­ed in mul­ti­colour on a dark plain cot­ton back­ground enhanc­ing the embroi­dery. A wave cur­tain head­ing was cho­sen for all three cur­tains, the wave falls in relaxed even folds cre­at­ing a con­tem­po­rary look that com­ple­ments the embroi­dered fab­ric per­fect­ly, allow­ing the pat­tern to be seen when the cur­tains are open and closed. 

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