Wooden Framed Chair

Straw­ber­ry Thief Vel­vet by Mor­ris & Co

This wood­en frame chair has been cov­ered in the beau­ti­ful Straw­ber­ry Thief Vel­vet by Mor­ris & Co. Dat­ing back to 1883, Straw­ber­ry Thief is one of Mor­ris & Co.’s most icon­ic designs. This vel­vet inter­pre­ta­tion retains the same enchant­i­ng detail of the orig­i­nal which was said to be inspired by the thrush­es Mor­ris found steal­ing fruit from his kitchen garden.

The high fixed back com­ple­ments the fab­ric beau­ti­ful­ly and allows the print to be seen in all its sym­met­ri­cal glory. 

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